Aprendizado experiencial online e grau de satisfação dos estudantes em instituição de ensino privada no município de Araguari


  • Tais Souza Alvarez IMEPAC
  • Rafaela Teodoro de Araújo IMEPAC
  • Ana Carolina Marques Junqueira IMEPAC
  • Isabela Marques Junqueira IMEPAC
  • Maria Regina Franco Ribeiro Gasparin IMEPAC
  • Márcio Aurélio da Silva IMEPAC
  • Henrique Pierotti Arantes IMEPAC
  • Fabrícia Torres Gonçalves IMEPAC




Learning by Association; On-Line Systems; Simulation Training.


Online educational intervention study and practical application. Objective: to evaluate the degree of satisfaction of medical students, from the clinical cycle, in relation to online experiential learning in a private institution in the municipality of Araguari - MG, in addition to comparing the degree of satisfaction and emotions of the groups of participants simulation versus online clinical case discussion. Methodology: Realistic simulation scenarios and discussion of clinical cases were used, on the theme of Endocrinological Emergencies, both performed remotely and synchronously. The participants were divided into two groups, called G1 (realistic simulation) and G2 (discussion of a clinical case). They performed a pre-test evaluation consisting of two stages, and a post-test evaluation. Data were collected through an online questionnaire and stored in an electronic spreadsheet. For the statistical analysis, the BioEstat® software was used and for the evaluation of the satisfaction of the studied educational interventions, the Satisfaction Model (CSAT) - Customer Satisfaction Score was used. Results: In the pre-test evaluation, there was no difference between the performance indexes observed before and after using the methodologies. In the post-test, both variables did not show significant differences between the observed achievement rates. Regarding the degree of satisfaction, the participants showed a high degree in both groups. Conclusion: Students in the educational intervention group with realistic online simulations more often reported high activity emotions. Learning assessed using multiple-choice knowledge tests was similar in both groups.



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How to Cite

SOUZA ALVAREZ, T.; TEODORO DE ARAÚJO, R. .; MARQUES JUNQUEIRA, A. C.; MARQUES JUNQUEIRA, I.; FRANCO RIBEIRO GASPARIN, M. R.; AURÉLIO DA SILVA, M.; PIEROTTI ARANTES, H.; TORRES GONÇALVES, F. Aprendizado experiencial online e grau de satisfação dos estudantes em instituição de ensino privada no município de Araguari. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 16, 2023. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v8i16.388. Disponível em: https://revistamaster.emnuvens.com.br/RM/article/view/388. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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