Efeitos da creatina no sistema nervoso central em diversas faixas etárias: Revisão de literatura


  • Marília Eduarda IMEPAC
  • Mariana Ferreira Américo IMEPAC https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2488-0332
  • Iara Guimarães Rodrigues Instituto Master de Ensino Presidente Antônio Carlos
  • Lorhanne Sousa Prado Araújo Instituto Master de Ensino Presidente Antônio Carlos
  • Raíssa Sousa Borges Ribeiro Instituto Master de Ensino Presidente Antônio Carlos
  • Luciana Aguiar Cunha Instituto Master de Ensino Presidente Antônio Carlos
  • Siméia Nunes Amaral de Araújo Instituto Master de Ensino Presidente Antônio Carlos
  • Débora Vieira Instituto Master de Ensino Presidente Antônio Carlos




Cognition, Cerebrum, Central Nervous System, Dietary Supplement, Creatine


INTRODUCTION: The benefits of the creatine are already known also their impacts on central nervous system. It is an uprising thematic, which highlights its impact on cerebral functions relating to cognition, prevention and potentialization. Creatine also plays a role of treating chronical or degerenative pathologies. GOAL: Identify the creatine effects on central nervous system on people from both genres with different age group. METHODOLOGY: Studies within the period of 2016 and 2022, pusblished on BVS plataforms (Medline), PubMed and Academic Google. Found studies were exported to Rayyan software, being after selected and summaried in an Excel spreadsheet. OUTCOME: The use of suplementar creatine may be beneficial on therapies of serveral illness such as the degenative, Parkinson, Huntington also severe brain injury. There is evidence that phosphocreatine works as a high energy monecule that is able to resynthesize ATP faster than oxidative phophorylation and glycolytic processes. This explains how important the phosphocreatine is on brain energy imput. The function of creatine that makes it relevant on therapies is the transitional pore blockage on mitochondrial permeability, maintaining the kinase creatine stable, and preveting the cell apoptosis. CONCLUSION: Creatine is efficient on human central nervous system as it reduces mental fatigue after intense cognitive activities, improves the sleeping quality, maximizes the brain energy imput, and helps on therapies related to neurodegenerative illnesses. Creatine provides positive neuro effects, assisting on both prevention and reduction of illnesses.


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How to Cite

EDUARDA, M.; FERREIRA AMÉRICO, M.; GUIMARÃES RODRIGUES, I.; SOUSA PRADO ARAÚJO, L.; SOUSA BORGES RIBEIRO, R.; AGUIAR CUNHA, L. .; NUNES AMARAL DE ARAÚJO, S. .; VIEIRA, D. Efeitos da creatina no sistema nervoso central em diversas faixas etárias: Revisão de literatura. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 16, 2023. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v8i16.365. Disponível em: https://revistamaster.emnuvens.com.br/RM/article/view/365. Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.

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