Tracking the life habits of medical students during the transiotion from the bacic to the clinical cycle


  • Larissa Tavares IMEPAC
  • Gabriel Morais IMEPAC
  • Julia Zardine IMEPAC
  • Melissa Reis IMEPAC



Tracking; Medical students; Food; Sleep; Physical activities.


Introduction: The lifestyle is characterized by changeable behaviors to the detriment of different realities
experienced by individuals, which can have a profound effect on health. It is undeniable that practicing physical
activities, eating habits and sleeping health make up a large part of each person's lifestyle. In this sense, it is
understood that the academic context is responsible for important behavioral changes, whether beneficial or
harmful. Objective: To carry out a comparison of the lifestyle habits of students studying Medicine at the Centro
Universitário IMEPAC de Araguari. Methodology: This descriptive study was carried out based on data collected
through two questionnaires, one carried out by the organizers of the work and part of a validated questionnaire
given to students from the first to the eighth period. Exclusion criteria: students under 18 years of age, individuals
from other courses and boarding school, as well as those who did not sign the ICF. After collection, the data was
transcribed into Excel spreadsheets and placed in relative frequency tables to be analyzed. 182 students participated.
Results: As students age and advance in periods, their physical activity, nutrition and rest habits decrease and
worsen. Conclusion: Medical school has an important impact on students' lifestyle habits and tends to worsen their
lifestyle during the transition from the basic to the clinical cycle.

Keywords: Tracking; Medical students; Food; Sleep; Physical activities.


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How to Cite

TAVARES, L.; MORAIS, G. .; ZARDINE, J.; REIS, M. Tracking the life habits of medical students during the transiotion from the bacic to the clinical cycle. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 17, 2024. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v9i17.499. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.