Adverse reactions in health students after immunization against COVID-19 in Araguari, Brazil

a cross-sectional study




Adverse effects, Immunization, COVID-19, Pandemics, Cross-sectional studies


The recent COVID-19 pandemic has posed a worldwide threat to health, with millions of deaths globally. This study aimed to highlight the adverse effects manifested in medical students immunized with the CoronaVac or AstraZeneca vaccines against COVID-19 in Araguari, Brazil. The authors carried out a cross-sectional study, analyzing age group, gender, lifestyle, health self-perception and local and systemic adverse reactions according to vaccination periods, with qualitative and quantitative descriptive statistical analysis. The sample number comprised 91 participants, who declared having taken at least the first dose of one of the immunizers. Among the adverse reactions reported on the day of the first dose, 84.61% experienced pain at the application site and 54.94% experienced fatigue. 48.97% of the individuals reported some systemic reaction that could be associated with the vaccine on the day of the second dose, the most prevalent being pain at the injection site (69.38%) and fatigue (32.65%). Therefore, the most reported adverse reactions were fatigue and pain at the application site. The present study found no associations between adverse reactions and lifestyle, gender, age or health self-perception. There was a higher occurrence of adverse effects after the application of the first dose when compared to the second dose. There were no reports of severe or fatal adverse effects, which demonstrates the safety of the vaccines.


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How to Cite

LOPES, P. B. A. S.; GUIMARÃES, T. M. F.; FERREIRA, C. G.; MORAIS, V. L.; FALEIROS, M. L. D.; GUIDOUX, J. R. O. Adverse reactions in health students after immunization against COVID-19 in Araguari, Brazil: a cross-sectional study. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 16, 2023. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v8i16.472. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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