Prenatal care related to prevention of gestacional diabetes at the family health basic unit - Independência, in the city of Araguari-MG


  • Caroliny Gonzaga Marques
  • Carolina Rosa Godinho
  • Evelyn Okada Yamagami
  • Gabrielle Coimbra Mundim
  • Anicésia Cecília Gotardi Ludovino
  • Lívia Coutinho Cardoso



Prenatal care; Disease prevention; Gestational diabetes; Primary health care.


Introduction: Pregnancy is characterized by insulin resistance, which, due to multiple factors, can lead to gestational diabetes. Therefore, to avoid maternal-fetal complications, it is necessary to have a proper prenatal care. Objectives: To investigate the impacts of prenatal care on the occurrence of gestational diabetes in the city of Araguari-MG. Method: An exploratory qualitative study was conducted consisting of a focus group with five pregnant women registered at the UBSF Independência. Interviews were conducted in two phases, in the second and third trimester. Discussion and results: The pregnant women were interviewed and reported the knowledge of the importance of prenatal care, but with difficulties for monitoring due to locomotion difficulties and scarce support network. Therefore, despite knowing the relevance of prenatal care, there are still obstacles that difficult adherence. Furthermore, 4 pregnant women said they did not know how gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) develops and the consequences for the mother and fetus. Therefore, it was clear that the actions of health support, health protection, harm prevention and harm reduction in primary care were not appropriate, and it was observed that a qualified prenatal care has the impact to reduce the incidence of GDM and comorbidity. Conclusion: Qualitative analysis identified the challenges faced by pregnant women for adherence, knowledge of prenatal care and gestational diabetes, and impacts on lifestyle habits through information passed during appointments. Therefore, the imperative of doctor-patient communication is irrefutable, since pregnant women with greater understanding of the purpose of prenatal care had greater adherence to appointments.


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How to Cite

CAROLINY GONZAGA MARQUES; CAROLINA ROSA GODINHO; EVELYN OKADA YAMAGAMI; GABRIELLE COIMBRA MUNDIM; ANICÉSIA CECÍLIA GOTARDI LUDOVINO; LÍVIA COUTINHO CARDOSO. Prenatal care related to prevention of gestacional diabetes at the family health basic unit - Independência, in the city of Araguari-MG. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 15, 2023. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v8i15.425. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.