Analysis Of The Relationship Of Lifestyle And Presence Of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases Of University Professors Of A Private Institution In The City Of Araguari


  • Mariana Salomão Daud Arantes Centro Universitário IMEPAC Araguari
  • Nathalia Antunes Silva Centro Universitário IMEPAC Araguari
  • Paula Palhares de Resende Centro Universitário IMEPAC Araguari
  • Samara Dahas Bittar Freitas Centro Universitário IMEPAC Araguari
  • Rafaela de Andrade Santos Centro Universitário IMEPAC Araguari
  • Thayná Pereira Beirigo Centro Universitário IMEPAC Araguari



Lifestyle, Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases, Professors, University Education


Lifestyle (LS) can be conceptualized as a cultural and social way of living, encompassing habits and behaviors that contribute positively or negatively to health. In teaching, there was an increase in the occurrence of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases (NCCDs) related to LS. NCCDs are characterized by long-term development. The study sought to know the LS of teachers and analyze the presence of NCCDs according to changes in LS. This is an observational and descriptive, cross-sectional, quali-quantitative study. A structured questionnaire called "Fantastic Lifestyle" was applied online. In addition, the identification of self-reported NCCDs was performed. Data were tabulated and domain scores and the total questionnaire score were calculated. When comparing the domains and FANTASTIC score between individuals with and without NCCDs, only the introspection domain score was significantly lower in people with CNCDs. Most teachers did not have NCCDs and among the patients, SAH and rhinitis predominated. The total score of the questionnaire was high, even in participants with NCCDs. It is concluded that the LS is an important factor for the maintenance of health and quality of life.


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How to Cite

SALOMÃO DAUD ARANTES, M.; ANTUNES SILVA, N.; PALHARES DE RESENDE, P.; DAHAS BITTAR FREITAS, S.; DE ANDRADE SANTOS, R.; PEREIRA BEIRIGO, T. Analysis Of The Relationship Of Lifestyle And Presence Of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases Of University Professors Of A Private Institution In The City Of Araguari. Revista Master - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 15, 2023. DOI: 10.47224/revistamaster.v8i15.379. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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